Artikel getaggt mit Tango Argentino

Absolute Tango Basics, 7.12.2024 @ TU Darmstadt

Absolute Tango Basics WS @ TU Darmstadt

Unlike most – if not all – other dances, Tango is not about steps. Its about communication. Learning Tango is like learning another language. Just without speaking. Both partners communicate – through their body – position, axis, intention and musicallity.


  • How to start and continue walking
  • How to stop walking
  • How to change axis
  • How to pivot
  • How to do the two ways of turning
  • How to walk around your partner (giro / moulinette)
  • How to cross and un-cross (slowly)

This 2,5 h workshop will explore how to use and understand this very simple movements of Tango. The workshop will be an opportunity to learn them, or to repeat, reinforce and improve them. It will show how to have fun with them and how to variy them and that they are (if properly done) all thats needed to have a great dancing experience.

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Tango Argentino: Musicality Workshop, 1.2.2025 @ TU Darmstadt

Tango Arentino Musicallity WS @TU Darmstadt

„Tango is improvised. It is improvised all the way. There are no combinations. In tango, you can’t be preoccupied with steps. You need to express your feelings while listening to the music.“

– Miguel Zotto

“The first step in musicality is to be open”

Horacio Godoy

Tango is music, not logic, not steps. To dance tango well, you must listen to the music, you must immerse yourself in the music, feel its rhythms and melodies, become one with the music.

In this workshop we will expore different versions of a few well known Argentine Tangos (and give background about their history). Our aim is to cultivate a deep empathy for the music and to recognize opportunities for interpretations and improvisation in the music – without pressure to perform figures or moves.

  • We will listen to rhythmic patterns in music and learn how they can be expressed with minimal means.
  • We will listen to different melodic elements and instrumentalizations and explore what emotional functions they serve and how that can be expressed in the dancing.
  • We will examine how different instruments often play distinct musical lines simultaneously in tango, learn to harness this complexity to infuse our dancing with excitement.
  • Additionally, we’ll address common distractions that hinder our connection with the music and explore strategies to overcome them.

This workshop is not about learning new steps or figures; it’s open to participants of all Tango experience levels. While some basic Tango training is recommended, even those completely new to Tango will gain valuable insights into musicality.

You don’t need to bring a partner; we’ll rotate partners regularly during the exercises and will permanently change roles.

Please bring:

  • Comfortable Tango / dance shoes or thick socks
  • Ample refreshments and a simple snack to sustain energy throughout the 4-hour duration.

Date: Saturday, February 1st, 2025
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: TU Darmstadt
Instructor: Carsten from the TU Tango Team
Language: English

Registration-Form (TU externals must buy a guest card first here)

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Tango Argentino: Fluid Role Change Workshop 11.1.2025 @TU Darmstadt

The essence of Argentine Tango is communication. The Fluid Open Role approach does not assign fixed roles to dancers, instead allowing and requiring both partners to initiate Tango moves and interpret the music.

The workshop will start with fundamental techniques for communicating balance and movements in Tango. It is suitable for beginners unfamiliar with Tango, as well as experienced dancers seeking to learn the ‚opposite‘ role, and anyone wishing to refine their Tango communication skills (even if not specifically interested in open role dancing). If you took part in last semesters workshop on fluid role change, you can refine and improve your skills.

Participants will explore the significance of maintaining a stable axis, mastering body control and tension, conveying clear intentions, employing simple communication techniques, and fostering empathy. These skills will be applicable not only to Tango but also to various aspects of life. We will delve into methods for honing and enhancing these skills through Tango practice.

Moving beyond basic Tango communication, the workshop will be examining how selected Tango movements can be communicated, aborted, played with and resumed. Participants will come to appreciate that every Tango movement is reversible and endlessly malleable. The focus will be on playfully exploring impulses and reactions, fostering creativity, and improvising in harmony with each other and the music.

Improvisation, passion, and musicality will take center stage in the exercises. Every communication encompasses imperfections, misunderstandings, and miscommunications – we will learn to embrace and enjoy these, to create a fun and enriching experience for everyone.

No partner is required as participants will rotate partners throughout the workshop. The session will be conducted in close embrace.

Saturday, 11.1.2025, 14-18 Uhr in Darmstadt – conducted by Carsten from the TU Tango Team. The last hour will be dedicated to excercising and trying with support of the instructor.

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Milonga Diamante Loco – die Location

Im Juni werden wir in Darmstadt eine neue Tango Milonga starten: Die Milonga Diamante Loco (Crazy Diamond). Die Idee ist entstand, als die Räume in der Rheinstraße in Darmstadt besichtigten, um zu schauen, ob diese eine Alternative für die Milonga Sueño sein könnten, weil damals die bishergen Räume in der Spreestr. 2 gekündigt waren. Doch optimal waren die Räume des SunnySideSwing für eine große traditionelle Milonga nicht – ein eher rechteckiger Raum und eingeschränkte Sitzmöglichkeiten, die wenig geeignet waren, um die klassischen Traditionen des Tango zu praktizieren.

Trotzdem hatte es mir der Raum angetan und da ich schon seit längerem die Idee eines Tango Labors zum Experimentieren und Erkunden neuer Musik und neuer Ausdrucksformen mit mir herumtrug, fand ich das eine tolle Location, um etwas Neues auszuprobieren. Und nachdem ich mehrere Mitstreiter:innen gefunden und die Tango!nitiative dafür gewonnen hatte, die juristischen Verpflichtungen (Mietvertrag, Gema) zu übernehmen, stand nix mehr im Weg, hier etwas (für Darmstadt) ganz Neues aufzuziehen: Eine Konzeptmilonga, die sich von den Gewohnheiten und Gewissheiten des Tango löst, bei der es nicht darum geht, Erwartungen und Konventionen zu erfüllen, sondern einen Freiraum für Neues zu schaffen. Eine Milonga, die sich nicht an der Zahl der Teilnehmer:innen oder einer bequemen „Tanzbarkeit“ von Musik, sondern an der Intensität individueller Tanz-Erfahrung misst. Bigger on the Inside.

Los geht es am Samstag, den 29.6.2024, danach mindestens immer am 5. Samtag eines Monats (um erstmal keinen anderen Milongas im Rhein-Main-Gebiet Konkurrenz zu machen), aber zusätzliche Termine sind keineswegs ausgeschlossen.

Hier ein paar Impressionen aus dem Raum:

Der Vorraum

Eingangsbereich Diamante Loco
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Workshop: Tango Argentino for Dummies, 15.6.2024

Zum Text auf Deutsch.

Tango Argentino is an enchanting dance with myriad reasons to explore its intricacies. However, conventional Tango lessons often leave individuals feeling discouraged, leading many to abandon their pursuits, they believe they will never learn it. Others suffer through it, yet never fully embrace the dance, plagued by a sense of inadequacy.

But Argentine Tango was originally created by poor and hard working immigrants (and slaves) in Buenos Aires. And it was not taught by fancy dance teachers, but they trained together after long hours of work, inventing the dance as they went along. In this tradition this workshop aims to make Argentine Tango accessible for everyone – no matter how trained, how musical, how skilled or talented.

This Workshop is for

  • Everyone who learns Tango but feels lost, inappropriate or not up to it.
  • Everyone who once learned Tango, but stopped, because it seemed too hard to learn.
  • Everyone who learns Tango but is missing the fun in it.
  • Everyone who considers learning Tango or other Dancing but fears dancing might not be something for him/her
  • Everyone who learned some Tango but is afraid to go to milongas
  • Everyone who already dances Tango (more or less successful) but wants to improve by getting better at the basics of communication and musicality
  • Everyone who wants to learn „the other role“ in Tango
  • If you want to catch up with an existing ongoing Tango class
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Tango Argentino: Milonga Basics Workshop 4.5.2024

Zum Text auf Deutsch

Milonga offers a dynamic and exhilarating approach to Argentine Tango, distinguished by its rapid steps and intricate footwork. It embraces syncopated movements, swift directional shifts, and playful partner interactions, crafting an atmosphere that is spirited and light-hearted, in contrast to the more dramatic and sensual ambiance of traditional tango.

While some may perceive Milonga as merely a variation of Tango with a different rhythm, it stands as a distinct dance form in its own right. Characterized by unique steps, a specialized embrace, and a set of figures which are usually used only in the Milonga, Milonga demands its own study and mastery.

Our „Milonga Basics“ workshop delves into essential elements including:

  •     Mastering the art of walking in Milonga
  •     Understanding the embrace specific to Milonga
  •     Identifying and avoiding inappropriate figures for Milonga
  •     Learning specific Milonga figures

This workshop welcomes participants with a basic grasp of Argentine Tango. Please come with a partner, and if you’re in need of one, kindly provide your name, role, email address, and phone number, consenting to share this information with potential partners by emailing us at

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Tango Argentino: Musicality Workshop 29.6.2024

Zum Text auf Deutsch

„Tango is improvised. It is improvised all the way. There are no combinations. In tango, you can’t be preoccupied with steps. You need to express your feelings while listening to the music.“

– Miguel Zotto

“The first step in musicality is to be open”

Horacio Godoy

Tango is music, not logic, not steps. To dance tango well, you must listen to the music, you must immerse yourself in the music, feel its rhythms and melodies, become one with the music.

In this workshop we will explore a diverse range of music, get a feeling what’s special with it and start expressing it without the pressure to perform figures or moves. Our aim is to cultivate a deep empathy for the music and to recognize opportunities for interpretations and improvisation in the music.

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Tango Argentino: Fluid Role Change Workshop 23.11.2024

The essence of Argentine Tango lies in communication. The Fluid Open Role approach does not assign fixed roles to dancers, instead allowing and requiring both partners to initiate Tango moves and interpret the music.

The workshop will commence with fundamental techniques for communicating balance and movements in Tango. It is suitable for beginners unfamiliar with Tango, as well as experienced dancers seeking to learn the ‚opposite‘ role, and anyone wishing to refine their Tango communication skills (even if not specifically interested in open role dancing).

Participants will explore the significance of maintaining a stable axis, mastering body control and tension, conveying clear intentions, employing simple communication techniques, and fostering empathy. These skills will be applicable not only to Tango but also to various aspects of life. We will delve into methods for honing and enhancing these skills through Tango practice.

Moving beyond basic Tango communication, the workshop will be examining how selected more intricate Tango movements can be communicated, aborted, played with and resumed. Participants will come to appreciate that every Tango movement is reversible and endlessly malleable. The focus will be on playfully exploring impulses and reactions, fostering creativity, and improvising in harmony with each other and the music.

Improvisation, passion, and musicality will take center stage in the exercises. Every communication encompasses imperfections, misunderstandings, and miscommunications – we will learn to embrace and enjoy these, to create a fun and enriching experience for everyone.

No partner is required as participants will rotate partners throughout the workshop. The session will be conducted in close embrace.

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Chiqué: Der Tango vom Lügen & Täuschen

Eine Partitur von Chiqué

Chiqué war nie ein wirklich großer Hit, definitiv kein berühmter Tango, den man außerhalb der eingefleischten Tango-Szene „kennt“ (anders als El Choclo, Malena oder gar Oblivion). Ich habe vermutlich schon oft dazu getanzt, ohne dass mir der Tango wirklich besonders aufgefallen ist. Als ich aber neulich eher zufällig, beim Zusammenstellen einer Pugliese Tanda, entdeckte, wie viele Versionen es von diesem Tango gibt (60 and counting), hat mich das neugierig gemacht.

Und ich habe festgestellt: Bei Tango Orchestern war (und ist!) der Tango Chiqué sehr beliebt – und bei Showtänzer:inne:n (siehe am Ende). Dagegen habe ich außerhalb des Tango gar keine Adaptionen davon gefunden (obwohl er sich meiner Meinung zum Beispiel für Rock und Jazz-Versionen gut eignen würde). Auch im Elektro-Tango ist Chiqué scheinbar gar nicht angekommen (auch hier würde er gut passen).

Seine Attraktivität könnte er der Tatsache verdanken, dass er auf eine sehr einfache, fast simple Art verdeutlicht, was den Tango (als Musik für TänzerInnen) so faszinierend und aufregend macht: Das Spiel von verschiedenen (Instrument-)Stimmen und Rollen miteinander, ihr divergieren und konvergieren, das Spiel mit ihrer Lautstärke und Geschwindigkeit, mit ihrem Rhythmus und ihrer Melodie.

Bevor ich jedoch näher darauf eingehe, ein paar Worte zur Entstehung, Geschichte und zum Titel dieses Tangos:

Chiqué wurde von Ricardo Luis Brignolo im Jahr 1920 komponiert. Brignolo war Bandoneonist, Pianist und Komponist. Der Titel stammt aus dem lunfardo (Slang der französischen Einwanderer Argentiniens der Unterschicht) wo das Wort chiqué 1 so viel bedeutete wie „Lügen und Vortäuschen“ beziehungsweise erweitert auch „Blenden durch falschen Anschein“ (Quelle: Den Legenden zufolge schnappte Brignolo den Ausdruck bei einem Auftritt von einer Tänzerin auf und ließ ihn sich erklären:

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  1. As an abbreviation of the French expressions chiquer contre , a distorted version of chiquer comte , which in turn derives from chiquer comtois[↩zurück ↩]

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Playlist 1st Virtual Milonga Tango Armónico

1st Virtual Milonga Tango Armónico

Für meine erste virtuelle Milonga als TJ habe ich die Tandas noch kürzer gehalten als sonst: Auf rund 11 min als Maximum (sonst eher Richtung 15 min) abgezielt. Weil in der derzeitigen Situation eben viele nicht zur Musik tanzen können / mögen und deshalb der Unterhaltungs-Faktor (neben dem Schmacht-Faktor langer Tandas / Stücke) an Bedeutung gewinnt.

Außerdem habe ich noch mehr auf Stücke mit Energie-reicher Musik und abwechslungsreiche Stücke gesetzt als sonst. Aus dem gleichen Grund.

Ansonsten habe ich weitgehend auf bewährte Tandas zurück gegriffen, lediglich Rhiannon Giddens war komplett neu (Danke, Thomas), ich hatte aber den Eindruck, die funktionierte ganz ausgezeichnet.

Wie so eine virtuellen Milonga funktioniert, beschreibe ich hier: Tango in den Zeiten von Corona: Virtuelle Milongas mit Zoom.

Intro: Philip Glass – Metamorphosis

Mario Melfi – Mi Dolor
Mario Melfi – Petite Fleur
Mario Melfi y Marcel Verán – Remembranza

Cortina: Beatles – A Hard Day’s Night

Boris Kovac & Ladaaba Orchest – Beguine At The End
Boris Kovac -Begin-ing

Cortina: Beatles – All My Loving

Eleni Karaindrou – To Vals Tou Gamou
Stavros Lantsias – Waltz Of The Eyes
Yorgos Kazantzis – The Waltz of Utopia

Cortina: Beatles – All You Need Is Love

Rhiannon Giddens – I’m On My Way
Rhiannon Giddens – Wayfaring Stranger
Rhiannon Giddens – Moonlight

Cortina: Beatles – Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!

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