Breaking News, 7.11.2020, 17:50: AP and several major television networks reported that Joe Biden has won the presidency after defeating President Trump in Pennsylvania and clinching an Electoral College majority. CNN, NBC News, ABC News and CBS News also called the race for Mr. Biden. More

The Drudge Report, a conservative website that has not always been kind to President Trump, used the inevitable headline: „YOU’RE FIRED!”

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Stand Samstag, 7.11.2020, 16 Uhr:

Live Coverage der US-Wahlergebnisse – einer der entscheidendsten Wahlén der US Geschichte. Heute entscheiden die Amerikaner nicht nur über den nächsten Präsidenten – sondern zeigen ihre Fähigkeit, zu Lernen und das Land zu reformieren – oder auch nicht.

6.11.2020, 15:05 Uhr: Fox News calls Trump now a liar.

6.11.2020, 15:01 Uhr: Jo Biden leads in now in Pennsylvania by 5,587 votes <1%

6.11.2020, 14:35 Uhr: Secret Service sends more agents to Delaware in anticipation of a potential Biden win

Georgia ist gekippt: Zu Biden (mit 917 Stimmen). Noch ist nix entschieden. Trump Jr. fordert „totalen Krieg“ um WahlEs sei nun an der Zeit „aufzuräumen“, posaunt der 42-Jährige auf Twitter. Aufruf zum Staatsstreich?

Why the delayed election results prove the system IS actually working (CNN)

Je nachdem wie die Auszählung heute weiterläuft, kann es Stunden oder Tage dauern, bis das Ergebnis feststeht. Der Worst Case: Es kommt auf North Carolina an:

North CarolinaMr. Trump is narrowly ahead in North Carolina with 95 percent of estimated votes counted. But North Carolina will accept mail-in ballots that arrive through Nov. 12, and it’s possible that the race won’t be called until then.


Nevada, where Biden narrowly leads, will not update results until Thursday.

So far, all in-person votes and all mail-in ballots through Nov. 2 have been counted, the election division of the secretary of state’s office said in a tweet on Wednesday morning. Mail-in ballots received on Election Day, mail-in ballots received over the next week and provisional ballots still need to be counted.

Mini-Gemeinde Dixville Notch hat ausgezählt – In einer kleinen Siedlung nahe der kanadischen Grenze begann die Stimmabgabe zur US-Präsidentschaftswahl – und das Ergebnis liegt bereits vor. Die fünf Wahlberechtigten stimmten allesamt für Joe Biden.

How Long Will Vote Counting Take? Estimates and Deadlines in All 50 States

When To Expect Election Results In Every State (FiveThirtyEight)

New York Times-Needle: What to Expect on Election Night

Both Candidates Might Fall Short Of 270 Electoral Votes On Election Night. But How Close Might They Get? (FiveThirtyEight)

This Place (Valencia, New Mexico) Has Picked Every President Since 1952. Is Its Streak About to End? (Politico)

11 States Are Choosing Their Governor On Tuesday. Here Are The Races To Watch. (FiveThirtyEight)