Author: Lee Child

Title: Nothing to lose


Source: Darmstadt Public Library (Stadtbibliothek Darmstadt)

Pages: 531 (paperback)

Reading Time: 2 days

Language: US mainstream  (but some US cultural knowledge might help to fully enjoy the book)

Rating: ** ( out of 5)

A Thriller with an unusual theme: A former US Army soldier hikes from one town (“Hope”) to another (“Despair”) and gets thrown out. Not willing to take this easy, he sets out to discover, why he is unwelcome and discovers a dead body in the desert.

But instead of explaining anything, the body disapears again and everything turns even more mysterious.  Things remain like that until the very end and this keeps tension up – but not to the level of urgency (its possible to stop reading, but not easy). In the end the solution turns out in a way thats very unusual for a thriller – but thats good and still more believable then many mor conventional plots.

The author dares to include his views about current political issues (like the war in Irak, Pentagon politics or coporate responsibility) which really makes the story realistic.

More Info:

Random House


Weitere Buchkritiken:


Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child:  Title: The Wheel of Darkness

Electrifrying: Jeffery Deaver – The Burning Wire

Patrick Cave: Das Saint Netzwerk

Sibylle Berg: Sex II


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