Alle Filmkurzkritiken (1919-201x)
- Vor der Morgenröte +++++ (+++++)
Ergreifender Versuch dazu, wie Flucht, Ruhm, Exil, Glück, Schuld und Trauer für einen empfindsamen, Prinzipien-treuen Menschen unerträglich werden und dennoch Ansporn und Hoffnung für uns bedeuten können. Der Film schafft es unglaublich intensiv, die implizite Botschaft von Zweigs Werk in einen Film und (unausgesprochen) die Situation des 3. Reiches auf die Gegenwart zu übertragen. Großartig! Bester Film 2016.
- A Cure for Wellness +++++ (+++++)
Great mystery with several deep twists and a real goose bumps factor.
- Now You See Me 2 (Die Unfassbaren) +++++ (+++++)
The closer you look, the less you see. Übertrifft den ersten Teil noch einmal an Spannung, Überraschung und Humor.
- Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency +++++ (++++++)
Everything is connected – and if you believe you recognize many of the characters here from other movies and series, its not an accident. It’s madness is the method and this one is not only inspired by – but also a homage to – Douglas Adams. So absurd, that it really doesn’t make any sense. Why should it?
- The Accountant +++++ (++++)
Believe none of what you’re told and half of what you see. What starts off as a classic thriller, turns into a tale of highly unusual people who discover, that morals and conventional wisdom fail to apply for the decisions they are facing. The investigation and the action are purely the stage set for greater, unconvetional, brilliant story telling. And: Never mind Ben Affleck – and forget everything else he made. This role was created for him (by him).
- Hail Ceasar +++++ (++++)
A declaration of love to the movie industry in general and Hollywood in special – not despite, but because of all its lies, deceits and mistakes. Clooney would’ve been outstanding, if the others weren’t just as much. Hillarious and colourful painting of the world, where everything is like a movie – even the fight against its system.
- The Night Manager ++++ (+++++) [ Tom Hiddleston +++++, Hugh Laurie +++++, Olivia Colman +++++] !!
- Snowden ++++ (+++++)
Only the personal story of Edward Snowden makes it understandable, how much the NSA undermines basic US-american values and believes. Humble movie about a humble but consequent man who choose his believes over his career and live.
- Dr. Strange ++++ (++++) [Benedict Cumberbatch +++++]
Fantastic movie that manages to be light & funny and deep & philosophical at the same time. Gives a lot to ponder about and an unconvertional end. Conventional stroy telling and visuals keep it from a higher rating. Rewards those who stay until the end of the credits.
- War Dogs ++++ (++++)
- The Assignment ++++
Very unusual, twisted contract killer / revenge movie with great plot & great acting. You are in for a ride with this one (anything more would be a spoiler).
- Money Monster ++++ (+++) [Jack O’Connell +++++]
The fairy tale that only Hollywood can produce so convincingly: How the greed industry works, why people fall for it and how it only takes one hero to beat it. Not. Nevertheless very enjoyable and educating entertainment. Just don’t believe in it.
- Hidden Figures ++++ (+++)
Großartige, authentisch inszenierte und spannende Geschichte präsentiert mit sehr überzeugender schauspielerischer Leistung.
- Central Intelligence ++++ (+++) [Dwayne Johnson +++++]
Classic Buddy movie story that excels through its plot that leaves no cliche turned arond against itself. Dwayne Johnson surprises (me) as a very versatile actor with great skills.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them +++ (++++) [Eddie Redmayne +++++, Katherine Waterston ++]
A great idea turned into a much too simple story make into a good movie. Entertaining with great beasts, but a special magic is somehow missing.
- Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Die Insel der besonderen Kinder) +++ (++++)
- Italien – Deutschland +++ (++++) [ Spannung: +++++, Acting: -]
- Gods of Egypt +++ (++++)
- Grimsby (Der Spion und sein Bruder) +++ (++) !!!!!!!!!
- Arrival +++ (+)
- Nine Lives ++ (+++++)
Another parable about learning „how to be a good person“ by devine intervention, featuring a man-cat transformation. Light and entertaining, not too deep or complex. Some consider it a message to Donald Trump. Well.
- Zoomania ++ (+++)
An original crime story, some cuteness and for kids some (not too heavy) insight into life and its potholes. Also highlights nicely, how prejudice works and why it’s wrong. Funny, average entertainment of the light kind.
- Nocturnal Animals ++ (+++)
What starts off as an intriguing dark mystery with strong David Lynch qualities turns slowly into a moral piece about the dynamics of relationships and the shallow taste of revenge.
- Assassins Creed ++ (++)
Knowing ‚Assassins Creed‘ as a computer game, I had very low expectations about the story and high expectations about the urban scenes. It came the other way around. The Story is considerably interesting and unique (but with some flaws and weaknesses), but the movie did not really take advantage of the possibilities to show the beauty and fascination of mediaeval cities as the game does.
- Jack Reacher: Never Go Back ++ (++) [Danika Yarosh +++]
Kicking off with a promising start scene, it can’t keep the promise and develops into a pretty standard thriller/action-„no surprises“ conspiracy flic with a father-daughter twist and (on the plus side) very little love lard. Acting strongly follows the Tom Criuse „display no facial emotions“ law, so all characters remain pretty scripted. Only Danika Yarosh manages to sneak some authenticity into the movie.
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ++ (+++)
Disney decided to futher milk the Star Wars story with an inception between part 4 and 5 that presents solid action and animations, creating a movie thats quite entertaining. Forgot most of it within 48h.
- The Magnificent Seven ++ (++)
Straight forward western flic with lots of shooting, where good and bad remains clearly separated. But neither up for the style of the classics of the moral twists of modern westerns. Supplying some interesting characters nevertheless, that would have deserved a better plot.
- Triple 9 + (++) [Woody Harrelson ++++, Kate Winslet ++++]
- Jason Bourne + (+)
- Suicide Squat 0 (+) [Handlung, Logik & Drehbuch – – – ; Margot Robbie ++++ ]
- Mechanic 2: Resurrection – (+)