Zur deutschen Seite von Tango Armónico

„Armónico“ means „in harmony“ and is our leading motive for the music selection for this milonga: Harmonic songs from Tango and Non Tango. Within this parameters we are quite experimental – you will hear music you may not find in other milongas.

(Nearly) Every 4th Sunday of the month.

We play tandas with cortinas: TTVTTM.

No entrance fee –  donations for rent and music licence fee are very welcome.


Normally: Agora -Haus, Erbacher Straße 89 · 64287 Darmstadt, in the seminar room in the basement (go around the house to join us). Close to the famous Rosenhöhe. Google Maps.

Next dates:

  • 26. Januar
  • 23. Februar
  • 23. März

From April on we will offer a Tango Training before the milonga. Details will follow.


We dance respectfully in the ronda.

We take care, that everyone is fine and welcome guests.

Especially in our milonga

Women and men may invite for a dance – with or without cabeceo.

More milongas like that Initiative der Tango Luna Kaufbeuren.

Playlists of past milongas:

Contact: carsten.buchholz[at]t-online[dot]de

Important Informations about getting there:

Please don’t park on the sidewalks.

Parking: Close to the train track there are many parking possibilities. Turn right after the train crossing- but its dark there. 30 Meter before there are parking spots at the train station – with enough light.

From within Darmstadt you can come easily by bike.

Since there is a train station (Darmstadt Ostbanhnhof) and two bus stops very nearby, you can also come with public transportation. Check out  RMV-Fahrplanauskunft or Fahrplan.guru for details.

Food and drinks:

The cafe / restaurant Agora Lokal serves one flour above drinks and (good) food.  Milongeras and -os  can eat here before vor, during and after the milonga in a nice athmosphäre. Menue (Klick for larger Version):

Once in Dramstadt:

A Sunday visit to Darmstadt is a good chance to connct this with other seeing more. The world famous Mathildenhöhe, the (none less interesting) Rosenhöhe and the Oberfeld are in proximitiy to the Tango Armónico Location.

In the Agora Cafe there are other events held as well – sometimes even the same evening. See the Agora-Programm. Futher events in Darmstadt are listed at Partyamt.de.

Evtl. läßt sich der Besuch Darmstadts auch mit einer Stadtführung verbinden.

Darmstadt’s Tango Argentino Szene is quite acitve. Here an overview of other offerings and events in Darmstadt that we know of (in German) and where you might meet us too.

Sigue Tango!